ProSource understands the need for outstanding security services.  Multiple entry and access points in your facilities can be a real challenge.  How do you control entry and access?  Building a secure infrastructure in a dynamic intelligence environment with a variety of complex structures may require cloud-based systems.  Our teams are familiar with a host of legacy and new frontier systems.  Within the U.S. Government and Commercial Security arenas we have focused on the applications associated with Brivo On Air and other similar systems.

ProSource understands that Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD 12), which was issued in August 2004, requires all government employees and contractors to have a common credential to gain access to a government building and to log onto federally controlled information systems. In some instances, common credential cards may also drive additional security measures to protect classified data and techniques.  ProSource understands how to, and currently does, safeguard classified information using authorized security measures.