ProSource’s vehicle maintenance operations includes conducting Vehicle Preventive Maintenance Inspections, Preventive Maintenance, Services (Scheduled and Unscheduled) and well as repair and overhaul operations. Our personnel conduct Operations and Supporting Functions, Maintenance Management Support, Maintain Equipment Storage Site, equipment storage and warehouse operations, and property accountability operations involving Army Reserve (AR) unit equipment. Work sites are located at ECS-171 (Yermo and Barstow, California) supported by the 63rd Reserve Support Command (RSC).
What’s unique to our sites:
- New Equipment Training Team (NET-T)
- Mobile Vehicle Servicing
- Vehicle and Generator Refuel and De-Fuel
- Engineering and Engineering Support
- Corrosion Inspection
- Corrosion Preventive Compound Application
We inventory all End Items as required by applicable equipment TMs and/or Stock List publications. We plan for and perform preventive maintenance services required to maintain equipment and supplies in a mission-capable status. We comply with all standards of detection, treatment, correction, and further prevention of corrosion on all equipment. The measurement of corrosion becomes a “bottleneck” in the maintenance induction process if it is not properly identified. ProSource has an extraordinary amount of corrosion prevention experience that is applied to every piece of equipment. ProSource personnel use specifically trained personnel to perform corrosion corrective measures in accordance with applicable TMs.